Mission and Guiding Principles
Our Name
The name "Fireside Project" was inspired by the feeling of sitting around a fire, experiencing a sense of community, connection, and openness. As long as people have been people, we’ve gathered together around the flames. Warming our hands and hearts, we've celebrated, mourned, feasted, danced, shared stories, and of course, journeyed. At Fireside Project, we look to our shared ancestry beside the fire as a way to light our path forward to a more loving, interconnected world.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help people minimize the risks of psychedelic experiences.
We fulfill our mission in ways such as offering long-term, scheduled support through our Fireside-Certified™ Psychedelic Coaching Program, in-the-moment support through our Psychedelic Support Line, training generations of culturally competent, diverse, and compassionate psychedelic practitioners.
Our Guiding Principles
Our work is sacred. Our Support Line callers and coaching clients entrust us with the privilege of supporting them during some of their most vulnerable moments. Honoring this trust, we strive to provide everyone with the quality of support that we’d want provided to us or the people we love most in the world. Our Guiding Principles illuminate our path to the fulfillment of this sacred duty. We are:
Humble. We check our egos and our credentials at the door. We are space holders, not healers, guides, or gurus.
Compassionate, Curious, and Clear. We communicate with clarity, compassion, and curiosity, especially during challenging moments.
Accountable. We co-create a culture of accountability where everyone has clarity about their role, takes responsibility for their actions, and feels a sense of ownership in the fulfillment of our mission.
Feedback-focused. We actively invite, are grateful for, and consider all feedback.
Transparent. We are transparent with our community and each other. We are clear with each other about what is working and what we can improve.
Rigorous. We regularly examine what we do, why we do it, how others do it, and how we can do better.
Vulnerable. Vulnerability is strength. It requires trust in each other’s kindness and good intentions. We strive to create an environment where all people are comfortable being vulnerable.
Creative. We think out-of-the-box to develop innovative practices to better fulfill our mission.
Data-driven. We test all aspects of our processes and initiatives to determine what’s working and what isn’t.